In my previous blog, I referred to a recent case where an employer was liable for $300 in damages after a colleague called the employee a “bitch” and t...
A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog on slurs in the workplace. I encourage you to read that blog, as it provides a few different cases where an employ...
Typically, employees are not permitted to use drugs in the workplace. However, there are cases where employees will use drugs and/or alcohol in the workpla...
It is well established in Canadian law that terminating an employee because she is pregnant is discriminatory. Since only women can get pregnant, discrimin...
When misconduct occurs, you should typically investigate the incident. Investigations are often necessary in cases of serious misconduct, such as alleged w...
Contract law is based on three basic principles. To form a contract, you need (1) an offer, (2) acceptance, and (3) consideration. Without these three prin...
The educational field requires employees who can work well with children and always have the children's safety in mind. Therefore, when an employee is accu...
Workplace investigations can be difficult. In certain cases, an investigator may need to speak with many witnesses and meet with the complainant and the re...
In Ontario, if an employer terminates an employee, they must provide the employee with notice or pay in lieu of notice and potentially severance pay (depen...
The Canada Labour Code (CLC) covers all federally regulated employees, excluding managers. The CLC has provisions on the rights of unionized employees, but...