Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation

(705) 268-6492
(705) 268-6492


If you have received a speeding ticket, you have more options than you might think. The traffic attorneys at Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation can help you understand your situation and appeal your speeding fines. If you would like to speak with one of our lawyers, we invite you to reach out to us today and book a meeting.

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Highway Traffic Act

Section 128(1) of the Highway Traffic Act reads that no person shall drive a motor vehicle at a rate of speed greater than:

  • 50 kilometers per hour on a highway within a local municipality or built-up area
  • 80 kilometers per hour on a highway that is not within a built-up area
  • 80 kilometers per hour on a highway designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council as “controlled highway access”
  • The rate of speed prescribed for motor vehicles on a highway
  • The maximum rate of speed set and posted in a construction zone
  • The maximum rate of speed posted on a highway, or portion of a highway
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Section 128(14) of the Highway Traffic Act reads that every person who contravenes this section is guilty of an offence and is liable, where the rate of speed is:

  • 30 kilometers per hour or more but less than 50 kilometers per hour over the speed limit, to a fine of $7 for each kilometer per hour that the motor vehicle was driven over the speed limit
  • 50 kilometers per hour or more over the speed limit, to a fine of $9.75 for each kilometer per hour that the motor vehicle was driven over the speed limit

NOTE: Fines will be doubled if you are found guilty of speeding in a construction zone or community safety zone

Demerit Points/Licence Suspension:

1) 30 km/hr +: If you are found guilty of driving 30 km/hr or more over the speed limit:

  • You will receive four (4) demerit points
  • You will NOT receive a licence suspension

2) 50 km/hr +: If you are found guilty of driving 50 km/hr or more over the speed limit:

  • You will receive six (6) demerit points
  • For a first conviction you will receive less than a 30 day licence suspension
  • For a subsequent offence, you could receive up to a 60 day licence suspension
  • For any additional subsequent offences, you could receive a licence suspension of less than 1 year

Victim Fine Surcharge:

1) 30 km/hr +: If you are found guilty of driving 30 km/hr – 49 km/hr or more over the speed limit you will receive a fine of between $210 - $343 dollars.

  • If you receive a fine between $201 and $250 you will be required to pay a victim fine surcharge of $50.00
  • If you receive a fine between $251 and $300 you will be required to pay a victim fine surcharge of $60.00
  • If you receive a fine between $301 and $350 you will be required to pay a victim fine surcharge of $75.00

2) 50 km/hr +: If you are found guilty of driving 50 km/hr or more over the speed limit you will receive a minimum fine of $487.50.

  • If you receive a fine between $451 and $500 you will be required to pay a victim fine surcharge of $110.00
  • If you receive a fine between $501 and $1000 you will be required to pay a victim fine surcharge of $125.00
  • If you receive a fine of over $1,000 you will be required to pay a victim fine surcharge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the actual fine


  • 1) If you are found guilty of driving 128 km/hour in a 90 km/hour zone (38 kilometers over the speed limit) you will be liable to pay a fine of $266.00 (38 x 7), and you will also receive four demerit points.
  • 2) If you are found guilty of driving 155 km/hr in a 100 km/hour zone (55 km over the speed limit), you will be liable to pay a fine of $536.25 (55 x 9.75), you will receive six demerit points, and your licence will be suspended for less than 30 days.
  • 3) If you are again found guilty of driving 175 km/hour in a 100 km/hour in a construction zone (75 km over the speed limit), you will be liable to pay a fine of $1,462.50 (75 x 9.75 x 2), you will receive six demerit points, and your licence will be suspended for less than 60 days.

Fighting Your Traffic Ticket

Although there are not many valid and lawful excuses for speeding, you can still protest your ticket if you believe that you were not at fault. The quality of the police officer’s evidence will most likely be the determining factor in whether you can reverse your charges.

At Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation, our traffic lawyers can help you determine whether an appeal is worth pursuing. Our legal professionals will examine your case and then provide you with honest advice about your chances of winning in traffic court.

Experienced Traffic Lawyers

We have studied and practiced traffic law for many decades now, which makes us a fantastic resource for any legal services you need regarding speeding fines. We bring valuable, up-to-date knowledge to any situation, so you can count on us to help you make sense of your traffic violation. Take advantage of our legal training by contacting us for a consultation on your situation.

What Determines Your Speeding Fine?

Your speeding ticket may seem unreasonably high, but there are several factors that can determine the penalty in your situation. For instance, the offense increases by how much you exceeded the posted speed limit. Fines will also increase in areas such as construction or school zones and may come with additional demerit points.

Act Fast with Your Speeding Ticket

When you receive any type of traffic ticket, it is important to respond to them as soon as possible. Typically, you will only have a few weeks to say whether or not you will be requesting a trial for your infraction. Exceeding this time period may result in an automatic guilty verdict or increase the penalty of your ticket.

Will a Speeding Ticket Increase Your Insurance?

No matter the severity of your traffic ticket, you can generally expect it to have a negative impact on your insurance. That being said, our team can help you build a strong case for yourself in court, which will help you save money on insurance rates in the future. We want to help you get the lowest possible penalty so that you won’t have to continue paying for your mistake.

Affordable Legal Representation for Traffic Tickets

If your traffic fine is relatively small, it may not appear worthwhile to hire a lawyer. That being said, preventing demerit points on your license or saving on your insurance premium are things that are worth considering as well. Here at Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation, we pride ourselves on our reasonable rates, so you don’t have to worry about overpaying for reliable legal representation.

We are always happy to speak with potential clients and provide more details about our rates, so feel free to reach out to us and see what we can do for your situation.

Your File

The office of Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation – Lawyers will review your case and will provide you with a legal opinion. If you choose to defend the charge, we will advocate for you to the best of her ability. That may mean going to trial or having the charge reduced to a lesser offence.

Contact us at (705) 268-6492 or online to find out more about how we can assist you.

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