Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation

(705) 268-6492
(705) 268-6492

First Nations Human Resources Training in Cochrane

Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation specializes in First Nations human resources training for Band Councils, federal, provincial and commercial employers in Cochrane. Our bilingual seminars are designed to give management and employees the tools they need to successfully navigate the modern workplace and understand their relation to the Canadian Labor Code.

Founded in 1984, Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation has spent over 34 years helping community leaders foster healthy work environments that contribute to strong communities.

If you’re interested in joining us for one of our seminars or hiring us to visit your organization, call us at (705) 268-6492.


What Are Human Resources Training Seminars?

Without proper training, even the most considerate and socially conscious managers can make errors that could seriously impact their business or employer. Although this should be a general goal for all upper management, human resources training is not about teaching empathy or engendering attitudes of respect and care. Instead, it’s aimed at providing upper management with a solid understanding of the way the Canadian Labor Code governs what actions can and cannot be taken in the workplace.

Because of the scope of Canada’s labor laws, it’s impossible to cover the whole breadth of the topic in one session. That’s why our human resources training courses are designed to teach participants everything they need to know about a specific area of human resources. Participants come out with a firm grounding in a topic so that when it comes time to make decisions, they come prepared.

We place a special emphasis on the ways in which human resource policies can affect First Nations peoples. We address governance and managerial issues faced by Band Councils, employers of First Nations peoples, and the concrete issues faced by First Nations employees on a day-to-day basis.

Bilingual Human Resources Training Seminars Currently Offered by Suzanne Desrosiers Professional Corporation

We offer concrete human resources solutions to companies, organizations, and First Nation Band Councils in Cochrane and the surrounding area. And, we’re fully bilingual! All our seminars can be taken in French or English.

As of July 1st, 2017, our current courses include:

  1. Human Rights Sensitivity Training Seminar
  2. Workplace Investigation Training Seminar
  3. Steps to Ensure the Enforceability of an Employment Contract
  4. Steps for Effective Progressive Discipline in the Workplace
  5. Steps to Ensure Proper Termination
  6. The Key Differences Between the Canada Labor Code and the Employment Standard Act 2000 (ESA 2000)
  7. Training on Harassment and Bullying in the Workplace
  8. Executive Director and Board Relationship Building

First Nations Human Resources Training for Band Councils

Ultimately, our goal is to empower community leaders to facilitate sustainable community development. By understanding the complex interactions between the Canadian labor law and First Nations Chief and Council, we aim to foster a greater sense of autonomy and self-assurance.

Our training seminars will help you manage interpersonal issues as well as professional interactions between Chief and Council and others. We can help you deal with topics such as:

  • Staffing
  • Discrimination
  • Termination
  • Contracts
  • Governance
  • Conflict of Interest

Book Your Human Resources Training with Us!

To learn more about our seminars, please take a look through our website and call us today at (705) 268-6492.